The holidays this year were so busy for us, I missed doing my weekly writing! Now it’s the New Year and that means time for a new resolution, OR the same resolution I make every year but have trouble sticking to after a couple of weeks. Just like every other year, this year, I’d like to eat healthier, lose weight, and feel more energetic. I was curious about the Ayurvedic perspective on weight loss as Ayurveda works pretty well in every other aspect of my life. So hopefully it’ll be my savior this year!

Lose weight the Ayurvedic Way 

1. Get 8 hours of sleep every night

Per Ayurveda, lack of sleep contributes to weight gain as it throws off our body’s natural rhythm. The most optimal sleep can be obtained between 10pm and 6am. Naturally, we are meant to sleep in tune with nature so we should be in bed when it gets dark out but due to the invention of artificial lighting, we tend to stay up later and later. This has contributed to sleep deprivation, and poor eating choices throughout the day leading to weight gain.

2. Sip Detox Tea throughout the day

Follow my recipe for CCF Detox tea, make about 3-4 cups in the morning and keep hot in an insulated container. If you’re trying to lose weight, add a dash of ground black pepper and cinnamon to it. Sip this throughout the day to detox, increase your metabolism and burn fat.

3. Eat your meals properly

Eating the correct foods at the correct times is given a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Read more about food combining here. Foods should be eaten seasonal and cooked per your Dosha. If you do not know your Dosha, you can take my Dosha Quiz to find out.

Breakfast needs to be light and easy to digest. Eat foods like hot cereal, oatmeal, or fruit. Lunch should typically be your heaviest, most caloric meal. The digestive fire is the strongest during this time of day and so you can consume anything from grains to cheeses to sweets during this time. Dinner should be your lightest meal. The digestive fire is weakest and undigested food can lead to gastrointestinal troubles and even difficulty sleeping. Soups are great to have for dinner.


4. Take Triphala every night

Triphala is a combination of three potent Ayurvedic herbs which help in purifying, strengthening, and detoxing the entire body. Read more on the benefits and how to consume Triphala here.

5. Of course Nutrition is key, but you still have to Exercise

Find an activity you see yourself doing for the next 1, 5, 10 years and make it a practice to do that activity daily for at least 30 minutes. Healthy weight loss occurs when the heart rate rises and we break a sweat.

Hope these tips help you to be your best self in 2019!



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