Triphala, An Ancient Superfood

Published on August 29th, 2018

Triphala translates to “three fruits” and it’s just that. It’s a combination of haritaki (balances vata dosha), amalaki (balances pitta), and bibhitaki (balances kapha). These 3 fruits provide a synergistic effect on the body. Triphala helps balance all three Doshas found within the body (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and so is considered Tri-doshic.

Want to learn more about the Doshas, you can start off by taking our free Dosha Quiz here.

Components of Triphala:

Amalaki (Embilica Officinalis) has a cooling effect and cardio-protective properties.

Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) is heating in nature and helps detoxify the liver and maintain a healthy weight.

Bibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica) aids in mental clarity and energy.


5 Health Benefits of Triphala


 1. Weight Loss and Detoxification

We live in a society where diet pills have become the fad for quick weight loss. Ayurveda believes that the secret to weight loss lies in a properly functioning gastrointestinal system. Weight loss pills have serious side effects due to their metabolism through the liver and kidneys. Triphala helps with slower, yet sustained weight loss. It flushes the body of toxins and improves your overall health. Because it improves nutrient absorption, it will ward off unwanted cravings and also improve energy levels.

2. Improved Digestion

After each meal, mucus is produced in the intestines to aid in digestion. When the mucus builds up, the villi in the small intestine which help absorb nutrients are no longer able to work optimally. Triphala helps cleanse the gastrointestinal system of toxin (ama) and the mucus build up so that proper digestion can occur. It can also act as a mild laxative when taken in higher doses.

3. Lower Cholesterol and Regulated Blood Glucose levels

One of the components of Triphala is amalaki which contains flavonoids. Flavonoids aid in decreasing lipid levels in the blood. Amalaki has also been proven to improve glycemic control due to its cleansing effect on the pancreas and insulin uptake of glucose.

4. Anti-Aging

Studies have shown that Triphala increases telomerase activity and helps maintain the integrity of DNA in the body which is indicative of healthier aging. It is also high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C which promote healthier hair, skin, and nails.

5. Mental Health

Triphala is known to enhance all 13 agnis (fires) within the body. Its greatest affect is on the fire which fuels our digestion. By keeping digestion and elimination regulated, Triphala leads to better focus, mental clarity, decreased anxiety, and an overall sense of well-being.


How to take Triphala:

Start off by taking 250-500mg of Triphala either as a tablet or as hot tea. You can increase up to 1000mg daily depending on how you feel while taking it. For digestion and detoxification, it is best to take Triphala 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed. It will act as a mild laxative and cleanse the body of toxins (ama).

If you’re taking Triphala for weight loss or to stabilize your blood glucose levels, it is best to take it first thing in the morning. You may need additional doses during the day but this will vary from person to person. It is best to discuss your goals with a trained Ayurvedic Practitioner.


Who shouldn’t take Triphala:

Triphala is honestly great for everyone! However, it is not recommend if you have active diarrhea or if you’re pregnant.

Triphala is one of the best herbal formulas you can take from your 30’s onward. It has been nature’s little secret until recently when extensive research has shown its ample benefits on our health. To learn more about how to incorporate Triphala into your daily routine, read my 6 Step 60 minute guide to a Daily Ayurvedic Routine (Dinacharya). Be sure to leave me a comment – I would love to hear about your experience with Triphala!




  1. Sonia Varghese

    This is so interesting! Where can you get it?

    • Pooja

      Triphala has so many health benefits and it’s great for everyone! I’ve only used this one product long term and have noticed a difference so it’s the only one I can recommend at this time 🙂 Hope you like it too!

  2. Misty

    This is interesting to know. I ordered your recommended bottle from Amazon to try out. Can a 13 yr old take Triphala?

    Do you have a recommendation for Chawanprash that you like? Thanks.

    • Pooja

      Hi Misty,

      Yes, triphala is safe for a 13 year old to take and for chyavanprash, our family has tried the Banyan Botanicals one and the Lotus Blooming Herbs one and both taste authentic and are made from quality ingredients!


  3. Chandni

    Can my 8 year old take Triphala? He may not like as a tea, is there any other way can I give him?

    • Pooja

      Yes it’s ok to give to an 8 year old, I would use the tablets instead of powder for him!

  4. palak

    I am a nursing mom. Can i take triphala?

    • Pooja

      I wouldn’t recommend it while pregnant or breastfeeding unless you’re under the guidance of an Ayurvedic provider. Some herbs can be passed to the baby and triphala, though safe for kids can lead to unwanted effects especially in an infant.


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