Thirsty? Don't Drink This.

Published on September 27th, 2018

Yesterday, my Ayurvedic teacher said that drinking ice water is like “pouring a pot of water over a flame”. This resonated with me because I love water -water is the one beverage necessary for survival, and one of the only things I drink. I also don’t think twice before having that nice refreshing glass of ice water with my meal because it burns calories, right?

This may just be an American thing because in most countries, water is not served with ice. But to us, it is a norm and changing our ways will naturally bring doubts and confusion. 

And yes, water does burn calories but this definitely isn’t the way you want to be burning your calories! Read on to find out what you’re putting yourself at risk for just because you want to burn those extra 5 calories.

When I heard that Ayurveda has guidelines on drinking water, this was news to me! (But as with everything else, it makes perfect sense.)

Drinking cold water (and even eating cold foods) at the wrong times can disrupt the digestive fire (Agni) leading to impaired digestion and all of the other health problems that come along with poor digestion. The digestive fire is just a layman’s term for the hydrochloric acid and enzymes which are found in the digestive tract and aid in breakdown and digestion of food.

Ayurveda believes that the gut is the root cause of most health ailments and so keeping it functioning well is a big priority. When Agni strength is decreased, food sits in the stomach undigested longer than it should since the Agni needs to be revived to continue the digestion process.  The food then begins to ferment and rot.  We don’t absorb the proper nutrients and thus continues the vicious cycle of impaired digestion, malabsorption, and Ama (toxin) formation. 

Toxin formation imbalances the Doshas and we experience anything from bloating, fatigue, sluggishness, irregular bowel movements to more serious concerns like high cholesterol, arthritis, congestion, and nervous system disorders.

When we consider the qualities of Agni (fire), it is hot in nature and Ayurveda believes that “opposites balance”. If we add cold water to a hot fire, the strength of the fire will undoubtedly decrease. A strong Agni is essential for strong digestion. 

So next time you order that iced drink, think about your inner fire and make a wiser choice.

I know, I will.

5 Ayurvedic Tips for Drinking Water:

1. Always stick to room temperature or warm water. We typically eat three meals (if not more) a day. Thus, our digestive system is usually working most of our awake hours. To prevent disruption in this process, when in doubt, always stick to warmer foods and beverages.

2. Never chug water. Going along with disrupting the digestive fire, chugging water is like a shock to the internal organs (especially if it’s cold water which it usually is, because no one chugs hot water!) and the goal is to keep the body and mind relaxed and balanced. The force of water entering the digestive system when you chug something sends it into a state of shock and can harm the stomach lining over time leading to indigestion.

3. Always start your day with a glass of water. This is known as “Ushapan”. The act of drinking water first thing in the morning helps aid in the natural detoxification process of the body. Using a copper vessel is preferred but drinking any room temperature or warm water first thing in the morning is beneficial to jump start your digestive system before you introduce food.

4. Let your body decide. We have been made to believe that we should drink 64oz of water a day but Ayurveda teaches that there is no one size fits all approach to health. Let your body decide when and how much water it needs. A good rule of thumb is to drink small sips of warm water throughout the day to quench your thirst so that you never feel an intense urge to chug water.

5. Learn your Dosha type (take my Dosha Quiz here) to know how to best drink water for your body type. Each body type has different needs. I’ve read a bunch of different advice on the internet, don’t drink water immediately after a meal, don’t drink water during your meal, drink 8 cups of water a day – Ayurveda doesn’t enforce any of these rules. In Ayurveda, you learn to do what your body needs.

If you’re a Vata-type, you already have sensitive digestion with a weakened Agni, you should probably wait at least an hour after a meal to have water.

If you’re a Pitta-type, your digestive fire is very strong and little sips of water while eating is beneficial to balance the highly acidic nature of your stomach. This will prevent acid reflux.

If you’re a Kapha-type, you tend to overeat so it might be helpful to drink water before your meal to help fill you up.

As you can see, though ice water is never a good idea, there is a lot more to drinking water than just that. The beauty of Ayurveda is that there is a customized plan just for you. What may work for someone else won’t always work for you so it’s time to take your health into your own hands rather than scouring the internet for fad diets, fitness routines, and eating tips that may harm you more than they help. Learn more about your individual body type by taking my Dosha Quiz.





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