Part 3: Rejuvenating for Conception

Published on November 13th, 2018

Once the mind and body have been cleansed, it is time to rejuvenate and rebuild. The 2-3 months leading up to conception are the perfect time to focus on resting, relaxing, and building up Ojas (vital energy). In Ayurvedic texts, it is said that there is no life without Ojas as Ojas marks the beginning of reproduction after conception occurs.

So how do we build Ojas?

Anything that makes us feel good inside and out helps to build Ojas. Whether that is eating a Satvik diet or simply reading a good book.

For purposes of conception, it is not only important to continue building on your emotional relationship with your spouse and your Self but also working together in cultivating the qualities of parents. You may be wondering what emotional health has to do with pregnancy and having a baby. Have you ever thought about how much of an impact your state of mind has on your health?

It is a topic that has been taboo but has been discussed more and more over the past decade. In Ayurveda, the mind has a very powerful influence on one’s health and well-being. Therefore, no one aspect of the body or mind is isolated but rather, it is treated as a whole. Even small disturbances in the mind can have a profound effect on a developing fetus. Creating a lifestyle that allows you to feel “good” helps you rejuvenate and prepare for pregnancy.

Aside from emotional rejuvenation, physical rejuvenation of the body is also important. You just spent 3 months cleansing, you can’t just go back to your old habits! Besides continuing your daily Ayurvedic routine, Ayurveda has guidelines on building Ojas through lifestyle, diet, and herbs.

Physical Rejuvenation

After the at-home Panchakarma deep cleansing which I wrote about in my last post, these next couple of months leading up to conception are a great time to rebuild your strength.

-Get plenty of rest

-Eat a Dosha-specific diet. Don’t know your Dosha, take my quiz to find out.

-Avoid  sexual intercourse as it depletes Ojas

-Practice a daily Ayurvedic routine which includes yoga and meditation

-To rekindle agni (digestive fire), drink CCF tea after meals.

Ayurveda has “rejuvenatives” called Rasayanas which revitalize the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. If the structures within the body are healthy, this allows for the body to live longer. It also allows for the healthiest environment for a developing fetus. These Rasayanas rekindle the digestive agni (fire) and provide immunity for the body.

Rasayanas are given by Dosha so that the correct qualities are targeted. For example, vata-types usually have dry skin and cold extremities and so Ashwagandha is a warming herb usually given to these individuals. Herbs are not always beneficial and can sometimes even be harmful especially during pregnancy or if you have other underlying medical conditions. It is always best to discuss your health and medications with your physician or an Ayurvedic practitioner prior to starting a new regimen.

Rasayanas by Dosha

Vata-Type: 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha mixed in hot milk twice a day

Pitta-Type: 1 teaspoon of Shatavari mixed in room temperature milk twice a day

Kapha-Type: 1 teaspoon of Purnavara mixed in warm water twice a day

A Rasayana that is great for both men and women of all Doshas and is essential to preconception rejuvenation is called “Chyavanprash”. Taking one teaspoon every morning with a cup of warm milk helps build strength and immunity.

Yoga and Pranayama for Rejuvenation

Pranayama by Dosha

Vata-Type: Kapalbhati, Ujjayi, Bhastrika

Pitta-Type: Nadi Shodhana, Shitali, Sheetkari

Kapha-Type: Bhastrika, Kapalbhati

Yoga Poses by Dosha

Vata-Type: Vajrasana (thunderbolt), bhujangasana (cobra), shirshasana (headstand), halasana (plough), urdhva padmasana (upward lotus)

Pitta-Type: Supta padmasana (hidden lotus), navasana (boat), janu shirshasana (head to knee forward bend), setu banda sarvangasana (bridge)

Kapha-Type: Tadasana (mountain), gomukhasana (cow), adhomukha svanasana (downward dog), simhasana (lion)

Warning about Cleansing/Rejuvenating:

Though it is advised to cleanse and rejuvenate for 5-6 months prior to conception, listening to your body and what feels good to you is important. Cleansing can have a powerful effect on the mind and body. If you have underlying medical conditions including but not limited to hypothyroidism, anemia, weakness, fatigue, it is best to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner prior to beginning a cleanse of this nature.

Panchakarma and home cleansing is contraindicated in pregnancy. Ensure that you are not pregnant prior to beginning this sequence.

What next?

After creating healthier habits, performing a deep cleanse, and rebuilding your Ojas, you are now ready to make a baby! Stay tuned for Part 4: Conception 🙂


*Note: At-home Panchakarma protocol and Rasayanas based on Dr. Vasant Lad’s teachings.


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