Part 4: The Garbhadhan Samskara, Making a Baby

Published on November 20th, 2018

After prepping your garden, it’s finally time to plant the seed!  If you’ve been following along over the past couple of weeks, it’s been a long journey with prepping, cleansing, and rejuvenating over the course of 6 months.

The time to conceive is finally here! Ayurveda has a lot to say about conception. I’m not surprised, are you? Conception is actually one of the 16 Samskaras in Hinduism known as Garbhadhan Samskara. The Samskaras are rites of passage during certain phases of life. They are celebrated in a spiritual way to give thanks and receive blessings for attaining a new milestone in life.

Garbhadhan (conception) is the first Samskara among the 16 Samskaras as it is an individual’s first introduction to life.

During the weeks leading up to conception, it is essential for both future parents to be conscious of their health and happiness and maintain balance in their lives. I know, much easier said than done. But that’s why we took 6 months to prepare for the sole act of conception.

Emotional and Spiritual Health

Most couple’s enter this phase headstrong ready to get pregnant. When it doesn’t happen the first month, or the second month, or even the third month, it is easy to become frustrated. The key is to remain patient as stress, worry, and anxiety have a huge negative impact on fertility.

Remember that this is a spiritual process and both of you are just a Nimita (or instrument) in bringing a new life into this world. When the time is right, it WILL happen.


Timing is key.

Based on the Vedic text, ManuSmriti which is the moral code for the Vedic religion dating back to 1250 BC, timing revolves around a woman’s menstrual cycle. For a woman with a regular 28-32 day menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs between days 5 and 16 after the 1st day of menstruation. It is best to avoid excessive intercourse during the days that a woman is not ovulating as it depletes the Ojas (vital energy).

Days 1-4: Menstruation (conception will not occur during this time)

Days 5-21: These days are optimal for conception and are known as Ritukala in Ayurveda. Ovulation can occur at any time during these dates.

Sage Manu takes it a step further and states that one should avoid the 11th and 13th nights to conceive along with Days 1-4. He also predicts that if conception occurs on an even night, the chances of the offspring being a male is greater versus an odd night, when the chances of the offspring being a female is greater. I found it really interesting that this was actually written in the ManuSmriti. I am not sure what the scientific reasoning behind this is but if you’re trying for a certain gender, might be worth a try?

Today, we have numerous phone apps and kits to help determine when ovulation occurs so it isn’t difficult to determine the fertile window.

Ayurvedic Tips

  • Chances of conception are greater if the woman is laying on her back facing upward.
  • During these months of “trying”, replenish Ojas with Satvik foods like fruit, nuts, and milk.
  • Create a peaceful environment and allow intercourse to resonate mutual respect for one another.
  • After intercourse, rejuvenate with a warm cup of milk seasoned with cardamom, ginger, and saffron.

For a more Vedic Spiritual path to conception, the ManuSmriti includes specific guidelines for Garbhadhan including Vedic prayers to say before and after conception. If you’re interested in the specific details, leave me a comment or contact me, and I’ll send it via e-mail! 



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