Ever since we came back from vacation, it’s been so rough getting out of bed and getting work done in this brrrrrr- cold weather. I just want to lay in bed all day. This cold literally makes me sad and so I thought, why not write about what my symptoms are likely attributed to  – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that has an onset with the change of seasons. It almost always occurs in the winter months and ends when the weather gets warm again.

 Some symptoms of SAD:

  • moodiness
  • anxiety
  • low energy
  • irritability
  • cravings of carbohydrates
  • oversleeping
  • loss of interest
  • weight gain

What causes SAD?

Scientifically, the cause of SAD is unknown but it may be attributed to factors like lower serotonin levels, a reduced level of sunlight affecting our circadian rhythm, or maybe a disruption of the body’s melatonin levels during the colder months.

The Ayurvedic explanation for SAD is a bit more involved.

In Ayurveda, every season is associated with a predominant Dosha. Winter is governed by Vata Dosha. Vata is created from the elements of space and air. It governs all of the movement within our body. It promotes speech, enables touch and hearing, stimulates digestion, and even determines our lifespan. Due to the environmental changes during the Winter season, Vata Dosha has a tendency to naturally increase.

 Signs of too much Vata

  • indigestion
  • constipation
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • lack of energy

The signs of aggravated Vata sound pretty similar to the signs of Seasonal Affective disorder don’t they? Most of us are naturally high in Vata due to our “on-the-go” lifestyles. New moms are usually also Vata imbalanced due to their unpredictable routines. When this busy lifestyle is coupled with seasonal changes during the wintertime, Vata becomes aggravated and we experience the symptoms above.

So what can we do about this?

Eating properly to keep Vata Dosha balanced

Vata Dosha is dry, cold, and rough. In order to pacify an aggravated Vata, it is important to eat warm and cooked foods. During winter-time, it is best to consume nourishing soups, hearty grains, and hot cereals.

Dairy products are great for pacifying Vata as well but it is important to heat whatever it is you’re having whether it’s milk, rice pudding, or paneer.

Increasing sweet, sour, and salty tastes and avoiding the bitter and astringent also help. Refer to my diagram below for more tips!

Lifestyle Changes to Pacify Vata Dosha:

Abhyanga, or self-massage:

This helps in the release of serotonin in the body. Using a warming oil like sesame helps to soften dry skin, improve sleep, and improve circulation.

Exercise and Meditation:

Not only does regular exercise and meditation improve focus, it can help you fight the blues by increasing your gray matter concentration. This has been directly correlated to emotion regulation and decreased anxiety. Being fit generally helps your overall mood as well!

Increase the light:

Add some candles or brighter lights to your home during the colder months. Invite any sunlight that you can get through the windows. This tricks the body into thinking it may still be warm out and helps elevate the mood.

Hope these tips help you fight those sad feelings this winter season. Leave me a comment with what else I can do to help relieve my blues.



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