What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an amazing pathway to take responsibility for your own health. Truthfully, it is impossible to accurately define this ancient science in a couple of paragraphs. It is a philosophy. It is a way of life. It is an alternative health system which developed in India over 5000 years ago. It provides us with “wisdom about life” so that we can use what we know about nature and apply it within to create a more balanced mind, body, and soul.

Unlike our current medical system which reduces disease to a single reason and cause, Ayurveda treats an individual as a whole with a personalized approach based on one’s consciousness, mind, and physical balance. It is based on the thought that we are a part of the universe and so everything that exists outside in the world– the water, fire, wind, space, and earth also exist inside our body. Thus, every individual has a unique constitution of these elements (Dosha) inside of them. If these elements are kept in balance through a customized routine of yoga, meditation, herbs, massage, and lifestyle changes – disease can be prevented and optimal health can be maintained.

Ayurveda isn’t just a health system. It believes that “like increases with like” so if my unique Dosha is mostly comprised of the fire element (Pitta), if I consume a chili pepper, I am increasing the fire element leading to an imbalance. In the same way, “opposites” provide balance so if I consume a cool drink like coconut water, I am helping to keep my body balanced. Once we understand what our body needs and what it doesn’t, we naturally desire what is good for us. On a hot, summer day, we naturally reach for a cold drink. Understanding our unique elemental make (Dosha) is the first step in taking control of our health. To unlock the beauty of Ayurveda and how it can help you to be your best self, start off by taking our Dosha Quiz!



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