Month 2! The news is more real now and you’re probably looking forward to seeing your ObGyn or midwife in the next couple of days to confirm your pregnancy! Your body has started undergoing a bunch of changes and the nausea and fatigue may have kicked in by now. The second month is BIG for embryonic development and that nausea is a tell tale sign that you are in fact pregnant!

When  I went in for my first Ultrasound, we heard our little one’s heartbeat and it literally made me wonder how this phenomenon we call life even comes into existence. How is my body capable of creating another human being?

As with anything new, there is also a lot of anxiety and vulnerability during this time as well. The hormonal changes, the morning sickness, and the fatigue can sometimes become so debilitating that they take a toll on your mental well-being.

What’s happening inside your body:

The jelly-like ball now looks like a lump (male) or an elongated object (female). The embryo has the elements of nature (air, fire, earth, water, space) acting upon it to create the brain, the spine, and the central nervous system. The digestive and respiratory systems will also begin to develop this month as well as the fingers and toes. The umbilical cord forms and the embryo now has an amniotic fluid filled sac to float in.

What you’re feeling:

Most women will begin to feel nauseous during this time. You may also experience vomiting which can sometimes get really severe and turn into hyperemesis gravidaram (severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte imbalance). This may require a visit to your physician or even hospitalization. Our goal is to avoid anything severe like this from happening with preventative measures taken through diet and lifestyle modifications. Around this time, you will likely experience aversions to certain smells and foods as well. It is best to avoid any obvious triggers as this is your body’s signal to you. Poor focus and exhaustion also come with the territory.


Diet Guidelines Specific to Month 2:

For general pregnancy guidelines, refer to my post on Month 1 of my Ayurvedic Pregnancy!

  • Boil milk of choice (Ayurveda refers to unpasteurized raw cow’s milk) with sweet herbs like Shatavari (1 tsp), ghee, saffron, and cardamom. Drink this daily before bed. Read more about Shatavari here.
  • Have 1 – 2 fresh dates daily as they promote Satva within the body and help nourish the bodily tissues (dhatus). You can also use the dates to make a milkshake, recipe below 🙂
  • Grapes are considered the best fruit to consume during pregnancy. It is advised that grapes be soaked in salt water for a couple of hours before eating. Raisins can also be used if grapes are not in season. 

Lifestyle Guidelines for Month 2: 

  • Continue daily walking especially in the morning
  • Now is a good time to start meditating as it can really help calm the nerves. Even if it is only for 2-3 minutes a day, the sense of relief it provides is immense.
  • Continue daily deep breathing Pranayama while sitting in Sukhasana (refrain from any deep bends or twists during this time)
  • Continue sesame oil massage to the soles of the feet
  • Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night, sleep by 10pm and wake up by 6am

If you’re suffering from morning sickness and nausea, read about natural remedies here. If there is anything else you’d like to know about incorporating Ayurveda into your pregnancy, leave me a comment and I’ll try to share some insight!


(Scroll down for my Nourishing Date Milk Recipe)


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Print Recipe
Nourishing Date Milk
A nourishing drink that promotes Satva within the body and pacifies Vata. Great for pregnancy!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
  1. Place all ingredients except milk in a blender. Blend for 1-2 minutes until paste forms.
  2. Add in warm milk and blend for additional 1-2 minutes. Pour and enjoy!

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