दिनान्ते च पिबेत् दुग्धं, निशान्ते च पिबेत् पयः 

भोजनान्ते पिबेत् तक्रम्, किं वैद्यस्य प्रयोजनम्  
dinaante cha pibet dugdham, nishaante cha pibet payah 
bhojanaante pibet takram, kim vaidyasya prayojanam
Drink milk in the evening before bed (for better sleep), drink water in the early morning (to cleanse the body) and drink Takra after each meal (to help with digestion). If one does these three things, they will not require a Vaidya (physician). 

Takra (also known as Takram) is an Ayurvedic buttermilk. It was first mentioned with its health benefits in the Shushruta Samhita, the Sanskrit text on medicine and surgery.

It is also mentioned again in the Bhavprakasha, another Ayurvedic text where it is said that “He who drinks Takra daily does not suffer from disease, and diseases cured by Takra do not reoccur. Just as Amrita is the divine nectar for the Gods, Takra is considered the divine nectar for humans” (Bhavaprakasha Ch. 6.7).

Health Benefits of Takra:

Aids in Digestion: Takra is a digestive tonic for those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and other gastrointestinal illnesses. It helps in improving the consistency of stool and regulating bowel movements. Takra contains Lactobacillus which aids in restoring the normal flora within the gastrointestinal tract.


Combats Acid Reflux: The cooling qualities of yogurt soothe the stomach of irritation due to spicy and acidic foods.


Provides Hydration: Takra is made from lots of water and electrolytes which helps fight dehydration.


Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: In a study done in 2014, buttermilk significantly reduced systolic blood pressure and plasma levels of angiotensin I converting enzyme in humans. The milk fat globule membrane found in buttermilk is rich in bio-active protein. This has been proven to have cholesterol-lowering, anti-hypertensive, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.


Prevents Vitamin Deficiency: Takra provides calcium to those who cannot have milk due to lactose intolerance. It is also a great source of B vitamins and potassium.


Common Takra Remedies:

Vata Pacifying – Takra with dried ginger, black salt, and cumin

Kapha Pacifying – Takra with black pepper

Pitta Pacifying – Takra with mint

Constipation/IBS symtpoms – Takra with pippali powder and black salt

Acid Reflux/Peptic Ulcer Disease – Takra with licorice root powder and sugar

In a time when most of our food lacks “prana“, drinking Takra daily is a great way to help our body hydrate, digest food, retain vitamins and minerals, and combat common gastrointestinal ailments.



Print Recipe
Takra: An Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic
Prep Time 10 minutes
Prep Time 10 minutes
  1. Place yogurt in a blender (or using a hand blender) and blend for 1-2 minutes. Spoon off any foam from top.
  2. Add in water. Blend for 1-2 minutes and spoon off any foam.
  3. Repeat, blending for an additional 1-2 minutes. Spoon off any foam.
  4. Stir in cumin powder, ginger powder, and black salt.
  5. Pour and serve at room temperature as an after lunch or dinner drink.
Recipe Notes

*Note: This Takra is especially beneficial for Vata-types and during the season of Fall. Fresh mint can be added during the summer-time for balancing Pitta.

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