Thirsty? Don’t Drink This.

Thirsty? Don’t Drink This.

Thirsty? Don't Drink This. Published on September 27th, 2018 Yesterday, my Ayurvedic teacher said that drinking ice water is like “pouring a pot of water over a flame”. This resonated with me because I love water -water is the one beverage necessary for survival, and...
Turmeric Spiced Millet Porridge (no added sugar)

Turmeric Spiced Millet Porridge (no added sugar)

Last night was rough, baby V was so irritable and couldn’t sleep because he was congested. It’s heart breaking to see him like that and he abhors the “snot-sucker” and cries hysterically when we try using that on him. So V didn’t sleep and neither did we. He finally...
Why is my Toilet Clogged or Empty? Let’s talk Poop.

Why is my Toilet Clogged or Empty? Let’s talk Poop.

Why is my Toilet either Clogged or Empty? Let's talk Poop. Published on September 17th, 2018 Let’s be completely honest. We’ve all suffered from constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or bloat. And though Okra might help…for many of us, dealing with these symptoms...
Fight Hunger with Slime-free Okra

Fight Hunger with Slime-free Okra

I have always loved Okra. Believe it or not, I used to say it was my favorite vegetable even as a kid…I know, weird. But because of my love for okra, my mom would make it all sorts of ways – sautéed plain, with different spices, with onions and potatoes,...
Day 5: Ayurvedic Seasonal Living

Day 5: Ayurvedic Seasonal Living

Day 5: Ayurvedic Seasonal Living Published on September 9th, 2018 The past couple of days have been so gloomy here in NJ. It has been raining constantly. Usually I get this dull headache and it just makes me want to lay in bed all day and do nothing. This literally...

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