I am so excited to finally start writing my Month by Month Ayurvedic Pregnancy posts. These are way overdue but there is just so much Ayurvedic support offered to pregnant women that I literally did not have the time to nicely present this abundance of information. But I had to start somewhere!

Chances are you’re pregnant or just found out you’re pregnant if you’re reading this. Finding out you’re pregnant is one of those moments you will never forget. You can have 8 babies and will still remember the moment you found out you were pregnant with each one. The happiness and joy that you experience is immeasurable and something that cannot be described in words.

These feelings also come with a lot of anxiety over the unknown. I know that with both of my pregnancies, I felt like a huge responsibility was placed on me. Being in the medical field, you see all of the worst and you think all of the worst can happen to you (and your baby). I felt like I was responsible for creating a child that will thrive when he/she is out of the womb and this, my friends, can lead to a lot of sleepless nights. Each pregnancy is different and there is always going to be uncertainty. The most we, as moms and future moms can do is try our best to give our child the best foundation from the very beginning.

Ayurveda offers A LOT of support to women so that the pregnancy can proceed as smoothly and as naturally as possible as this is an incredibly sensitive time for both the developing fetus and the mother. Though an ancient science, the accuracy of what is happening in a woman’s body while she is pregnant as described by Ayurveda is strikingly unbelievable.

So let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

Month 1: The Beginning of Life

What’s happening inside your body:

The fetus represents a ball of Kapha at this time and is shapeless. This essentially means that after conception, the zygote is a jelly-like substance without form. It divides continuously and travels down the fallopian tube after fertilization, then implants itself to the uterine wall. The brain, spine, and heart begin to slowly form this month.

What you’re feeling:

Each pregnancy is different but chances are with all of the changes occurring within you, you’re feeling anything but your usual self. For me, I only had aversions to strong smells early on during my pregnancy with V but this time around, I was nauseous and extremely exhausted from Day 1. I have friends who began vomiting daily before even knowing they were pregnant and others who didn’t feel anything and didn’t even know they were pregnant until 2-3 months in. Everyone is different and women will try to compare, but take it all with a grain of salt.

Some common symptoms that you may experience:






-Poor concentration


-Aversion to strong smells

Ayurveda focuses on food as medicine and so a lot of importance is placed on a woman’s diet, lifestyle, and mental well-being during pregnancy and beyond. It offers month by month guidelines on what you should eat as well as general lifestyle guidelines as your body undergoes changes and the fetus develops within you. If you’re new to Ayurveda, read more about developing an Ayurvedic lifestyle here.

General Do’s of Pregnancy:

  • Wear loose clothing
  • Sleep on your left side
  • Eat a varied diet inclusive of fresh, organic fruit, vegetables, grains, and legumes based on your Dosha (when in doubt, try to maintain a Vata Pacifying diet)
  • Maintain a positive outlook
  • Perform daily yoga and meditation

General Don’t of Pregnancy:

  • Do not suppress natural urges like flatulence, urination, and bowel movements
  • Do not sit on hard, irregular, or uncomfortable surfaces
  • Do not sleep on your back
  • Do not expose yourself to loud or disturbing sounds, music, or engage in disputes
  • Do not consume overly spicy or pungent foods
  • Do not eat packaged and processed foods
  • Do not use alcohol, sedatives, or tobacco products
  • Common herbs to avoid: Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Castor oil, Fenugreek, Feverfew, Licorice, Rhubarb, Sage, Tansy
  • Ayurveda recommends avoiding sexual intercourse during the entire pregnancy but especially during the Frist Trimester (first 3 months) and Third Trimester (last 3 months)

Month 1 Diet Guidelines:

  • Boil milk of choice (Ayurveda refers to cow’s milk) and sip it throughout the day at room temperature
  • Avoid refined flours and sweets during this time
  • Avoid fermented foods and carbonated beverages
  • Warm milk with cardamom, turmeric, and honey before bed promotes sleep

Month 1 Lifestyle Guidelines:

  • Daily walking especially in the morning
  • Daily deep breathing Pranayama while sitting in Sukhasana (don’t do any uncomfortable yoga poses during this time as the pregnancy is still fragile)
  • Massage Sesame oil to the soles of the feet
  • Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night, sleep by 10pm and wake up by 6am

Stay tuned for recipes, herbal remedies to common pregnancy ailments, and for Month 2 of My Ayurvedic Pregnancy!



  1. Bhavya

    Such an informative post!
    Much thanks 🙏🏻

    • Pooja

      Thank you for reading!


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