You’re almost there, mama! Welcome to the 3rd trimester! It is said that the 1st Trimester is the Vata phase of the pregnancy when you experience nausea, weakness, and fatigue. The 2nd trimester is the Pitta phase in which you have a sudden increase in energy. And now the 3rd trimester is the Kapha phase. Kapha signifies earth and water, both of which you have a lot of right now.

During these months, as the weight gain starts to pick up, you may notice swelling and experience aches and pains. It is important to cultivate compassion towards yourself and towards others at this time. The baby is able to experience these feelings as well which is what makes it even more important.  

If loving your self means spending more time on self-care, now is the time to do so. Some things you can try are:

  • being in nature
  • reading a book
  • spending time away from your phone or computer
  • taking a vacation
  • performing a daily self-oil massage (abhyanga)

As the pregnancy continues to progress, your relationship with your partner may also change. Your partner and you may notice a lack of intimacy. Each woman is different thus each relationship is affected by pregnancy in a different way. In Ayurveda, it is advised that women abstain from intercourse to preserve Ojas (vital energy) during pregnancy but you have to do what serves your mind and body. If you are following the Ayurvedic recommendation, there are many other options to maintain intimacy in your relationship like:

  • making music and singing or dancing together
  • sharing a romantic dinner
  • praying together
  • leaving cute or silly love notes for each other

What’s Happening Inside your Body:

The fetus is fully developed at this time. From here on wards, the fetus just needs to grow and mature. Though it is usually able to survive outside of the womb with some medical interventions, the nutrients and energy the fetus receives from the mother during this trimester builds its strength for years to come. The fetus is now able to suck its thumb, open and close the eyes, and also experience emotions.  During the 8th month, the Ojas (vital energy) of the mother flows into the fetus and vice versa leading to fluctuations in the mother’s energy.

What you’re feeling:

For the rest of the pregnancy, you may begin to experience more rapid weight gain which can result in swelling of the feet and overall fatigue. This is completely normal. As long as the swelling is not all over the body or in the face, it’s time to put those feet up and take it easy. Swelling in other parts of the body could indicate concerns with blood pressure which need to be brought to your medical provider’s attention. As it gets increasingly difficult to move, try to stick to your daily asana practice to ensure a smooth delivery.  

Diet Guidelines Specific to Months 7-8:

During the 7th month, it is advised that you continue to consume ghee infused with sweet herbs like Shatavari just as in the previous month.

From the 8th month onward, it is recommended that kheer along with other Ojas-building foods be consumed daily. Kheer is a sweet, soup-y rice pudding flavored with cardamom and saffron. Other foods to eat include nuts, dates, figs, sesame seeds, fresh fruit, fresh ghee, whole grains, split mung beans, and root vegetables.

Lifestyle Guidelines Specific to Months 7-8: 

  • Continue pre-natal yoga or your daily exercise routine. Focus on hip opening stretches. 
  • Practice a daily meditation and pranayama preferably with shitali breaths and chanting
  • Take time out for self-care and for your relationships with your family and friends

Stay tuned for the final post on My Ayurvedic Pregnancy 🙂



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